It was 2009…
2009 – A group got together to discuss how they were NOT growing – it was there a networking organization was formed. NOT one centered on sales but one centered on education, growth, and community partnerships.
In forming this organization, we witnessed it was NOT lack of desire holding people back from growth but lack of intentional action, lack of time, lack of community, lack of trusted resources. We all know the many hats we need to wear. It is our intention to help you grow through partnerships and outsourcing, so you wear the hat you were meant to wear – BUSINESS OWNER.
How do we help?
- We help people intentionally take action daily.
- We help them see and do what action steps will in fact help them hit their goals.
- We provide connections and collaborations that will become your team members and power partners.
- We provide education and educational opportunities.
- We take on some of the tasks you can safely outsource! Yes, we do it WITH and FOR you! See our services page.
Now – go meet OUR team! Then check out the directory and meet some fellow business owners you can reach out too!